
Layman’s Guide to Computing

Your friendly neighbourhood bite-sized newsletter introducing one computing idea a week.

This is:

  1. Very very slow-paced. I only have an hour a week, your pardon please if things are not moving as quickly as you would like.
  2. Introductory. I will be simplifying many things to make them more comprehensible to a general audience, no apologies for that.
  3. Widespread topics only. Anyone sticking around for the next decade will have to grapple with some pretty uncomfortable changes, and I started writing this to introduce those ideas. Technologies without widespread impact, e.g. blockchain, will not be introduced.
  4. Not a how-to. You will not learn how to do anything here. I promise nothing but stories and clearer mental pictures.
  5. Personal. I prefer real examples over contrived ones, and stories over explanations. I will try to use examples from my experiences or those of people I know.

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And view past issues here!